Lori McNee

Contact the Artist:
For inquiries regarding purchasing ‘Wilderness Wonder’ please go to https://www.danagallery.com/gallery/lori-mcnee/
Email: lori@lorimcnee.com
Website: lorimcnee.com
Cobra Oil on Linen, 24x30, 2020
For Sale through DanaGallery.com
“This painting was inspired by a little plein air study I did while on a week-long horse-pack trip in the Bob Marshall Wilderness of Montana. I brought all my painting supplies, but forgot my paintbrushes! I was in the wilderness, far away from civilization. I improvised and made brushes out of horsehair! What a fun travel memory.”
Cobra Oil on Panel, 12x6, 2020
Not For Sale
Covid caused me to cancel all my international workshops. Normally, I teach art in beautiful Lucca in Tuscany, Italy in the fall. There is a 12th century stone studio which sits is among an old olive orchard. One day, as a demonstration to my students, I challenged myself to use a vertical format and added the tree right in the center of the composition. When I look at this painting, I feel like I am there! A happy memory.
For inquiries regarding purchasing ‘Wilderness Wonder’ please go to https://www.danagallery.com/gallery/lori-mcnee/
Email: lori@lorimcnee.com
Website: lorimcnee.com