Terry Strickland

Rembrandt Oil on Panel, 14x11, 2011
She came, she saw, she conquered. I’m definitely a Sci-fi fan with a love of traveling. You might say a love of going “where no man has gone before.” Some viewers are surprised to see humor in fine art, but life is sometimes funny, so why not?

Rembrandt Oil on Panel, 24x18, 2019
Here is love as an act of rebellion in this world of divisiveness and hate. Let us amplify that simple concept as we journey through this life.

Rembrandt Oil on Panel, 16x12, 2019
Amid the din of negativity, signals of light are to be found. When thinking of positive hand signs for the series the Vulcan salute from Star Trek came to mind. My daughter, a super Trekkie was the perfect model. To explore strange new worlds…

Contact the Artist:
Email: terrystricklandart@gmail.com
Website: www.terrystricklandart.com