You may have noticed in watercolor, some colors create uniform and even washes, while others create wonderfully textured surfaces. This texture is a result of what we refer to as granulating pigments.
Read MoreDear Marten, I usually paint with acrylics but now want to try Cobra water mixable oils on a wooden panel. I have an unprimed hard wood panel and would like to know if a few coats of gesso will be all that is required before the paint is applied or do I also need an oil ground to ensure its archival quality?
Read MoreDear Marten, I am trying to learn a little bit about the differences between the student grade and artist grade watercolors you offer; specifically between the Van Gogh and Rembrandt watercolor lines. Very roughly, do the Rembrandts contain double the pigment that the Van Goghs do (or more or less than this)?
Read MoreDear Marten, I love your Rembrandt oil paints. What is the difference between your Titanium White and Mixing White?
Read MoreDear Marten, I am new to your watercolors. Can you tell me which colors in your van Gogh line of watercolors you consider to be the primary colors?
Read MoreDear Marten, I have an acrylic background and am used to paints drying very quickly. I am currently using an introductory COBRA set, and am somewhat puzzled at the extremely slow drying time. How many days would you say it takes to "dry" ?
Read MoreDear Marten, Can you please advise a way or mixture I might use to keep my Cobra Solvent-Free Oil Colors from freezing when painting in plein air at cold temperatures (between 0'F to -15 or colder)?
Read MoreDear Marten, I am taking a class in basic oil painting and we were given a list of 14 colors for our course. One of the colors, Ochre Red, I can’t find on your color chart.
Read MoreDear Marten , Both your cadmium yellow light and cadmium yellow lemon are described as having the same pigment content (PY35). If they are the same pigment, what makes them noticeably different colors?
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